National Assembly convenes a 4-day management retreat in Abuja

Clerk to the National Assembly, CNA, Sani Magaji Tambawal

…Foster ongoing synergy between NASC and NASS

The Clerk to the National Assembly, Sani Magaji Tambawal, has affirmed that the National Assembly Service Commission and the National Assembly share a common purpose as the backbone of the legislature, carrying significant responsibility for delivering efficient administrative and legislative support.

Tambuwal made this statement at the inaugural ceremony of a four-day strategic retreat for senior management staff of the National Assembly Service Commission and National Assembly, held at Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, from Thursday, September 12 to Sunday, September 15, 2024.

According to the Clerk to the National Assembly in his address maintained that the shared goal among NASC and NASS is capable of reinforcing the synergy between the institutions to enhance the effectiveness of the nation’s legislative process.

The retreat with the theme , “Promoting Inter-Institutional Synergy for Enhanced Legislative Performance,” underscores the critical importance of collaboration and cooperation between the National Assembly Service Commission and the National Assembly.”

Identifying the different roles and responsibility of the two agencies, he emphasized that the end results is intertwined, stating that a robust and efficient National Assembly desired strong Partnerships between and among all organs and departments, stating that the presence will enhance insightful deliberations, collaborative brainstorming sessions that will shape tjr future of our institutions. Tambawal stated.

He restated the commitment of the current 10th Assembly over the last one year of the administration of the National Assembly was in line with the status and laws guiding the operations, even though , we may be privy to any shortcomings.

With determination to resolve any impending issues , the retreat according to Tambawal was geared towards brainstorming to achieving the desired results, capable of moving forward in our strides to bequeath reasonable reforms, through administrative and legislative support.

While tasking both NASC and NASS with a valuable opportunity provided by the retreat in deep brainstorming and critical assessment of inter institutional assessment , collaboration, strength and weaknesses, and to possibly, building upon bottlenecks to enhance a strategy of effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery.

Tambawal asked the two bodies to use the opportunity to equip themselves on the evolving legislative demands, equipped ourselves with shared vision capable of tackling the evolving challenges.

The address further reads…


“I am highly honoured to welcome you all to this 4-day retreat for the top management of the National Assembly Service Commission and the National Assembly. Indeed, I am particularly delighted to see everyone here today, ready to engage in insightful deliberations and collaborative brainstorming sessions that will shape the future of our institutions.”

“This retreat is not only timely, but crucial. As the engine room of the legislature, we bear the enormous responsibility of providing seamless administrative and legislative support to the National Assembly. This shared goal is what has brought us here to reinforce the synergy between our institutions to enhance the effectiveness of the nation’s legislative process.”

“The theme of this retreat, “Promoting Inter-Institutional Synergy for Enhanced Legislative Performance,” underscores the critical importance of collaboration and cooperation between the National Assembly Service Commission and the National Assembly. ”

“Even though, we each have different roles and responsibilities, our success is intertwined. A robust and efficient National Assembly requires a strong partnership between and among all departments and organs.”

“Over the last one year plus, we have tried to administer the National Assembly bureaucracy according to our reading of the enabling laws and rules within its bounds. However, not everyone may find our strategy and scorecard to be as impressive as we do. ”

“We might be oblivious of the numerous issues that have remained unresolved as a result of our actions and inactions. Therefore, over the next four days, we shall be focusing on interactive discussions aimed at unravelling the issues hindering our collective progress and chart the way forward. ”

“Consequently, this retreat provides a valuable opportunity for us to:
engage in deep introspection and critical assessment of our current level of inter-institutional collaboration, identifying strengths to build upon and bottlenecks impeding optimal synergy;
strategies on how to enhance our efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery;
strengthen the existing synergy between the NASC and NASS;
equip ourselves for the challenges ahead, bearing in mind the constantly evolving legislative landscape; and
empower us with the knowledge, skills and a shared vision necessary for navigating emerging challenges.”

“My distinguished colleagues and bosses here present, the task before us is weighty and enormous. But I am confident that with our dedication and commitment, we will emerge from this retreat with a renewed sense of purpose and a concrete roadmap for enhanced inter-institutional synergy for the success of the legislature. ”

“It is on these notes, I urge each and every one of us to actively participate in all sessions, share ideas and contribute meaningfully to the deliberations.
“Let us remember that the success of this retreat depends largely on our individual and collective commitment to the task ahead.”

“Once again, I welcome you all and wish us fruitful deliberations.
Thank you for your attention.”

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